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Existing Clients

Hello there,

First I wanted to say thank you for trusting me with your hair and skin journey! With that being said I wanted to offer something special for being a loyal client. I will be offering 2 beauty bundles you can receive at a promotional rate when you book these offerings monthly. You can alternate the beauty bundle you'd like to have each month. Please be aware the beauty bundles may change from time to time as well.

Beauty Bundles
Monthly HeadSpa

$125 $110

  • If you have tried the Holistic Headspa and loved it and would love to do it monthly this deal is for you!

  •  Balances any scalp issues and stimulates hair growth.

  • Anyone can benefit from this treatment!

  • See full description on Beauty Rituals page.

Ground & Glow

$160 $145

  •  Zen out with Grounding Head & Facial Massage.

  • Signature 30 min Glow Facial. This facial is great for evening out skin tone and texture, balancing sensitive, dry, or combination skin types to help you age gracefully!

  • See full descriptions on the Beauty Rituals page.

To continue to get the promotional rates of these offerings you must pre-book monthly. You can miss one month, but if you miss more than one month, you will go back to regular rates unless otherwise discussed with me.

Herb & Flower of the Month

This month’s focus is the benefits of bamboo for the hair and skin. I use bamboo exfoliate as one of my bases in my scalp exfoliate. Bamboo is packed with natural silica, a nutrient that’s integral in the growth of hair and skin health.


Fun fact: Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants, with some growing as fast as 10 centimeters a day. With this, they can grow in timber sizes in just a year. Hence why when using bamboo in the hair it helps you grow lustrous and longer hair.

A few benefits of bamboo:

  • Boosts hair growth

  • Helps to rehydrate a dry or scaly scalp  

  • Makes hair feel soft, shiny and bouncy

  • Detoxification and antioxidant

Monthly Offering

Sending you much love & light,

Danielle xo

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